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Showing posts from August, 2020

Liver Cleaner Drink

  01 glass of this drink and the liver will be like new again! You will need:   1) Handful of fresh mint leaves 2) 01 orange 3) 01 lemon 4) Honey for taste 5) 01 liter water Put the water in a pot and place it on the stove. Turn on the stove, add the mint leaves inside. Bring the water to a boil. Leave it to boil for 05 more mins. Turn off the stove. Then let it rest. Pour the water using a strainer in a glass. Put the lemon and orange juice inside along with some grated lemon rind. Add some honey to taste and that's it! Enjoy your drink.  You can consume this drink hot or cold, whatever way you perfer it. It will help you cleanse the liver and also you'll get lots of benefits for your stomach and your whole digestive system, so try it now! Take this everyday for one week, then make a pause and repeat it whenever you think it's necessary.  The organ that is in charge for the detoxification of our whole organism as well as the synthesis of protein is our liver. We must alway

Tartar Removal Tips

  When bacteria mix with proteins and food byproducts, it forms dental plague. If you don't remove it, it hardens into tartar. If you don't remove tartar, it becomes rough and can lead to receding gums and disease. It also makes it harder to brush teeth, cause cavities and tooth decay. You can get rid of tartar stains with these simple home remedies:  >>> 01 tbsp baking soda, a pinch of salt. Put this mixture on your toothbrush or add it to your toothpaste.  Baking soda has an antibacterial effect and aids in teeth whitening.  Don't use this remedy more than once a week.   >>> Rub the orange peel over your teeth for 02 - 03 mins or make a paste and apply it to your teeth. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water afterward. Repeat several times a week.   >>> Dip your toothbrush in fresh lemon juice. Gently rub it over the teeth, leave it on for a minute. Rinse your mouth with water. Use this remedy no more than 03 times a week. Lemon acids dissolve pla

Common Facts

  >>> Crying makes you feel better, reduce stress and may help keep the body healthy. >>> Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents. >>> At room temperature, the average air molecule travels at the speed of a rifle bullet.   >>> Dolphins recognise and admire themselves in mirror.   >>> After workout, it takes 05 hrs for your body temperature to return to normal. >>> Childrens have more taste buds than adults. >>> The eye makes movements 50 times every second. >>> A snail breathe through its foot. >>> Cats kidneys are so efficient they can rehydrate by drinking sea water.  >>> When the moon is directly overhead, you weigh slightly less. >>> Honey bees navigate by using the sun as a compass. >>> Strawberries contain more Vitamin C than oranges. >>> Banana milk shake is the perfect cure for hangover.  >>> Some tumors can grow hair, bones and teeth.  >>&g

Honesty has no class....

  A rich couple was throwing a new year’s party at their house. They went to an expensive retail outlet and after purchasing the things they needed, they called a Porter for delivery. This Porter was an old, shabbily dressed man. The old Porter quoted $ 20 which was below the market rate. Still, the couple bargained and finally settled for $ 15.  The couple paid him $ 15 in advance and gave their address for delivery. A few hours later the Porter had still not delivered their stuff. “I always tell you not to trust such people. I am sure he must have disappeared with everything. Let’s go back and find out.” suggested the wife. On their way near the market, they saw another Porter. “Where is that old thief? It seems you poor thieves are stealing our stuff and going to sell it,” ask the wife angry.  The Porter replied, “ Madam, please calm down.That poor old man was sick. While he was on his way to deliver your stuff he fell. He handed me your $ 15 and said he had taken an advance for thi

Drinking water benefits

  Today more and more people start taking care of their health. They eat healthy foods, attend a gym and consult their doctor regularly. All these things help them to keep their body healthy, slim and energized .   However, there are some tips which you should do to feel much better. We all know that hydration is essential for our health.  One should drink at least 08 - 10 glasses of water per day. Yes this will help you to feel better. However, you should know that there are the most suitable times of day to drink water. Today we have some important information for you.  Here are the best times of day when you should drink water.This will help you to get more benefits for your body. By following these tips you’ll improve your health condition and feel really great.  1> In the morning, 08:00 am - By drinking water on an empty stomach you’ll achieve a healthy level of hydration. It’s also a good way to wake your body up and get it prepared for breakfast. Remember that it’s importan

Wealth unused might as well not exist….

Once upon a time, there was a miser. He hated spending gold so he never used any gold he had. He had dug up a hole and used to buried the gold near the tree in his garden. Everyday, he goes near the tree to dig it up and look at the gold happily. “I am so rich! I own this much gold,” he said merrily. This made him very happy. One day a passerby saw him digging up and happened to see the gold hidden by him. “Gold under the tree! I should wait till it gets dark.” the passerby wondered.  The robber waited till the night time to dig up the gold. He took all the gold buried under the tree. The next day, the miser came back to look at his gold. “Where is my gold? Where is my gold?” he cried. The miser dug a big hole where he used to hide his gold. But he could not find any gold in the hole. “Who stole my gold?” the miser cried loudly.  Listening to the miser’s crying, all his neighbour’s came running to his house. “What happened? Why are you upset?” asked one of his neighbours. The miser sho

Natural remedies for cough ......

Natural remedies for cough >>>Hard cough drops<<< Heat a pan. Add honey 01 cup, lemon juice ¼  cup, coconut oil 02 tbsp and ginger powder 02 tsp. Bring it to a boil and let the syrup cool down. Then place a butter paper on a wooden tray, pour syrup as a button size using a spoon on the paper leaving space in between each other. Let cool for a few hrs. After cooling, sprinkles powdered vitamin C (optional). Take 01 per day.                                           >>>Gummy cough drops<<< Heat a pan. Add orange juice 01 cup, honey ¼ cup, ginger powder 02 tsp and gelatin ¼ cup. Bring it to a boil and let the syrup cool down. Use an empty ice cube tray. Pour it in the tray. Refrigerate 02 - 03hrs. Take 01 per day.                   >>>Cough syrup<<<   Take a bowl. Add apple cider vinegar 02 tbsp, water ¼ cup, honey 02 tbsp, ginger powder 01 tsp, cayenne pepper 01 tsp and mix it well. Take a tablespoon every morning and night.     

07 - Quality of Life ......

  >>>Mother<<< A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take. >>>Father<<<   A son's first hero, daughter's first love. >>>Sibling<<< Children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together. A sibling is your only enemy you can't live without. >>>Friends<<<   No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one person you can be completely stupid with. One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. >>>Life Partner<<<   The one who loves you, unconditionally. The one who supports you and your dreams. The person who doesn't see imperfections. The one that sees a good heart.       >>>Your Children<<<   While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about, children add joy, purpose and fulfillment in our lives. >>>Your Grandchild

What is the healthiest sleeping position???

  Sleeping on your belly : this sleeping position is not recommendable for people who struggle with snack or back pain, because it doesn’t provide any relief for the discomfort.  > Sleeping on the back : Sleeping on your back usually provokes sleep apnea and snoring which, in turn, affect the quality of your sleep and may lead to hypertension and cardiovascular issues.  > Sleeping on side : This is the most comfortable and the healthiest sleeping position of all. Sleeping on your side relieves both the neck and back pain and improves the digestion too. > Fetal position : Fetal position can prevent snoring but it doesn’t soothe the back pain because the curved position increases the pain intensity and restricts diaphragmatic breathing. > Sleeping on the left side : This sleeping position is highly recommend for pregnant women because it boosts the blood circulation which encourages the transport of nutrients all over the body.  > Starfish position : Starfish positio

Love Story - 01

  Can I get my wife to fall in love with me again?      She gained weight and had marks. She stopped talking of her completely which annoyed me a lot. I started seeing other woman giving them my love and time. However, one day i felt a lot of guilt so i decided to take my wife out to dinner. When i came home, she was wearing her common clothes and doing house chores. She looked old and ugly so i didn't want to go anywhere with her.      I told her that i don't want to live there anymore, she asked me what was wrong? I told her that i made a mistake marrying her, and asked her if she looked at her in the mirror lately. I left our home keeping my wife and our two children. I had a girlfriend name Sasha who was good looking and stylish and had, everything i ever wanted in a woman. But living with her was not that good as she did not take care of anything including me. I spend a lot of money on her buying her clothes and taking her out to restaurants. My savings was slowly disappea

Coffee Face Scrub

  You will need - >1/2 cup fresh ground coffee (fresh are best, but dry used grounds will work, too) >1/2 cup brown sugar >1/2 cup melted coconut oil       How to make -   Mix together 1/2 cup fresh ground coffee and 1/2 cup brown sugar. Add 1/2 cup coconut oil into the coffee mixture. Mix until well combined. Ideally, the scrub should feel like wet sand. If it is too dry for your liking, add a little bit more oil. If it is too wet for your liking, add a little bit more sugar. The oil, sugar and coffee may separate over time. If this happens, simply stir the scrub up using a spoon or your finger. The scrub should last up to 02 mnths. You can store the unused mask in the refrigerator.  How to use -   Get your skin wet. Scoop up 01 to 02 tablespoons of the scrub into the palm of your hand. Gently rub the mixture over your body, avoid areas around the eyes. Leave it on for 03 - 04 mins. Rinse thoroughly with wet towel. Apply some moisturizer afterwards, if needed. Apply it 03

Translucent Skin ???

  Crystal clear glowing skin >>>Rub tomato on face<<< You will need   Tomato  Honey Take 01 tomato. Cut it into thin slices. Now, take the slice of tomato and start rubbing it on your face. To add more glow to your face add few drops of honey on the slice just rub it for 02 - 04 mins in a circular motion. Then allow it to remain on your skin for 10 mins. Wash the face with water. Use this remedy daily and all your skin issues will vanish. Tomato helps to kill the bacteria responsible for the spread of acne. Clear up the clogged pores, remove pigmentation from skin and also repairs the damaged skin. It helps in moisturizing the dry skin and retain natural moisture in the skin.  >>>Use flaxseed gel on face<<<  You will need Flaxseeds Water Take 02 cups of water and add 1/2 bowl of flaxseeds. On low medium flame, bring it to a boil. Stirring flaxseed often. Continue stirring while it simmers. Turn off the heat when a white frothy gel like liquid forms.

Things to know ..... (02)

  A study found that tobacco is the only product that kills half of its consumers.   Meditation is such a powerful technique, that after only 08 weeks, the brain's structure changes. Excess meat consumption is bad for the planet, for our health and for the well being of animals. Over the course of 03 to 05 yrs, lack of sleep can shrink your brain. Dentist's have found that the effects of soda on teeth are strikingly similar to the effect of meth or crack of teeth. Although it only takes you a few mins to eat a meal, it takes your body hrs to completely digested food.   Brain is closer to your right ear, so always answer phone from left ear. Tea can lower risk of heart attack, certain cancers, type 02 diabetes and parkinson's disease. Just make sure it isn't too sweet. Missing someone often can cause insomnia. The frustration of being without that person keeps you awake at night. Women below the age of 50 needs twice the amount of iron per day as men of the same age. Sme

Curry Leaves Remedy

      Hair fall and improper hair growth are the two most common worrisome hair issues. Homemade natural oils can be very effective in terms of both reducing the hair fall and improving hair growth. The recipe of a very effective DIY ant-hair fall oil. To prepare the remedy you will need   Fresh curry leaves - 01 small bowl (0.5oz) Onions - 5 - 6 Coconut oil - 02 cups   Now just follow these simple steps to make your own hair oil to stop hair fall.  Start by peeling the outer skin layer of the onions and then use a knife to chop them into fine slices. Now fill a pan with coconut oil and start heating it. Then add chopped onion slices and fresh curry leaves into the hot oil once it reaches a boiling point. Boil the oil about 40 mins and remove it from the heat. Let the oil cool down for 02 to 03 hrs. Strain the oil by leaving the residues aside and fill it inside an air-tight bottle. Apply a few drops of this infused oil all over your hair and scalp using fingertips. Massage your scalp

Guava Leaf Remedy

  Guava Leaves stop hair fall, health benefits       >>> Ingredients <<< 01} A handful of guava leaves. 02} 01 litre water. 03} A pot for boiling. First, wash the guava leaves with water thoroughly. Pour the water into the pot and place it on the stove. Bring the water to boil. To the boiling water, add the guava leaves. Let the water boil for 20 mins. Let the water cool down to room temperature. Then, strain it into a separate bowl. Use an empty sprayer, put the water in a spray bottle. Before applying this remedy, your hair should be free of any products. Apply it onto your scalp and roots. You can leave this solution on for upto 02 hrs. Optionally, you can wrap your hair in a towel and sleep with the solution in your hair. Wash hair with a mild herbal shampoo after 02 hrs. Use this trick once in a week and you will see a trends difference in your hair.  How often you need to apply???   01) If you are facing a hair fall problem, use this guava leaf solution thrice a

Things to know ..... (01)

>> Never give your secret to anyone because if you can't keep it to yourself don't expect others to. >> Go where you are appreciated, not where you are tolerated. Your confidence, health and life will be much better. >> Nearly 70% of vegetarians say that after they have eaten meat, they don't tell anyone. >> Negaholics are people who become addicted to self-doubt and negativity. They find something bad in everything and are hardly ever satisfied. >> One cigarettes contains enough toxic ingredients to kill a person, if those ingredients were directly injected into the bloodstream. >> Poor eyesight (Myopia) is associated with higher IQ. >> Girls learn to talk and read quicker than boys and they use more complex vocabulary. >> Metathesiophobia is the fear of things or people changing. >> The more you talk about a person to others, the more you fall in love with that person. >> The structure of your brain changes

Vaseline Amazing Benefits

  1) TREATING UNDER EYE DARK CIRCLE Take some vaseline in a small bowl, add some lemon juice, mix it well. Now apply it on your under eye area, leave it for 01 hr. After 01 hr gently wipe using a cotton pads. Then wash your skin with water. Do this treatment continue 07 days . 2) ANTI AGING TREATMENT Take 02 teaspoons vaseline in a small bowl. Then melt it double boiler process, add 01 tablespoon aloe vera gel and add some rose water during the process. After melting and mixing the ingredients in the bowl, remove and apply it on your face with gently massage. Then next morning wash your skin. 3) DARKSPOTS TREATMENT Take 01 teaspoon vaseline in a bowl, add some milk, mix it well. Now apply it on your face, leave it for 20 mins. After 20 mins gently wipe using a cotton pads, then wash your skin with water. 4) TREATING HAIR DAMAGED Take 01 egg white in a bowl, add 01 tablespoon vaseline, mix it well. Now apply it on your all over hair, leave it for 30 mins. After 30 mins wash your hair wi